For many, Australia is just too far away to go for a holiday. Yet there are already many expats who have visited this country. For example, there are plenty of students who, during the middle year or after completing their studies, go to this beautiful country for six months or a year to travel or work here. Australia may also have attracted your attention and even want to emigrate. Maybe you want to build a new life here or look for a new challenge in the field of work. When you emigrate, you are probably also forced to work in Australia. But what exactly is possible in terms of work in this country? In the text below you can read all about working in Australia and what is involved.
Emigration to another country can have various causes. When you fall in love with someone from Australia, you may emigrate to this country. However, it can also be the case that you are just finished with the cold weather in your country and the Australian climate appeals to you. In addition, as a highly educated person, you may not find it sufficiently challenging in your work in your country. This last point is an important reason for many people to look for a new challenge elsewhere. Working in Australia is certainly a challenge. Like your country, Australia also has a strong economy where there is plenty of work to find. Does the thought of working in Australia have been playing your head for some time? Don’t be allowed to stop you, but make the leap into the deep. It will certainly be a success!
Just like in your country, there are also many different jobs in Australia that you can practice. For example, you can go to work in an orchard or, for example, stand behind the bar in a restaurant. As a highly educated person, this is probably not what your ambition is. You may have gone to Australia to work here in the management team of a large company. Of course, this is also possible. Australia has many large companies, organisations regularly look for expansion or replacement of the management team. Such a job probably fits more in your street than the work in an orchard or restaurant. Do you have ambition in the field of work? Then working in Australia is definitely a must.
Dutch people are generally not dirty of hard work. When you emigrate to Australia to work here, you don’t have to adjust in this area. As far as relations and atmosphere within companies are concerned, people from your country and Australia are fairly close to each other. The average Australian doesn’t turn his hand around for hard work, nor do many expats. So in this area you hardly need to adjust yourself when you work in Australia.
Most Australians are generally quite happy with Dutch people. This is primarily because residents of the country are particularly friendly and open to other cultures. It is therefore no exception that a Dutchman is part of the management team of a large Australian company. Managers in Australia have a different view of certain things than Dutch managers. However, this can be an advantage for both parties. The average Australian manager may see a Dutch manager as a refreshment for his company, while as a Dutchman you can learn a lot from your Australian colleagues again. This is therefore a win-win situation. You can work in Australia and the company benefits from your experience.
Are you considering going to work in Australia? Then it is good to look at the possibilities in advance. You can already search the internet for various vacancies at large companies. Do you not see a vacancy that poses a challenge for you? Then of course you can always send an open application to a company that appeals to you. By doing the necessary research in advance, you know what awaits you when you emigrate to work in Australia. An Australian company may want to add you as a Dutch citizen to the company and then you will always have a point to it.
Working in Australia may have many advantages, but of course there are also some disadvantages. First of all, there is a language difference. Where you may have been able to communicate well with everyone in your country, this may not always be the case in Australia. If you hold a high or important position as an expat, there is a good chance that you will frequently speak English. In that case, the language barrier for you is not exactly the case. Another’ disadvantage’ is that almost all office staff in Australia go to work in neat clothing. So there is a chance that you will have to take a suit when you start working in Australia. And with the temperature that can rise quite high, this is of course not always pleasant.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to take the plane to Australia without you having arranged a number of things beforehand. To be allowed to work legally in Australia, you must have a visa. Without this visa you will not enter the country. It is often difficult to apply for a visa. When you are highly educated, however, you do have an advantage over other immigrants. Australia’s immigration policy is aimed at attracting skilled migrants. Can you show that you can make a contribution to the country’s economy? Then there is a good chance that you will get a visa. The Australians look not only at your work experience, but also at the training and skills you have received. You can also get a visa if you want to invest in the Australian economy. If you know how to make this happen, chances are that you will get a visa to work in Australia.